
Teaching: I teach at LYSs in the Charlotte, NC area, and at retreats, conferences, and festivals up and down the East Coast and all over the U.S. (I also teach virtually!) I am open to private or group in-person lessons as well.  Feel free to contact me if you are interested in a class with me! Check out my Teaching Schedule for my upcoming teaching events – I hope to see you at a class sometime!

Check out my Teaching Services page for information on hiring me to teach.

Have you taken a class from me?  Please fill out my Class Survey form!  Your anonymous responses can help me improve my classes and my teaching. Thank you!

Virtual Classes

I will be offering virtual classes throughout the year! Check here often for new classes added! (Class events will be hosted on Zoom, with registration via EventBrite.) All 2-hour classes are $50 (plus small registration fee). Requirements: Access to a computer (with webcam and microphone) and a strong internet connection. Being familiar with how Zoom works… Continue reading Virtual Classes

Teaching Services

Private Lessons: I am available for private knitting lessons!Online: I use Zoom for online video lessons – so you can have a lesson in the privacy of your own home. Contact me to arrange a mutually-convenient time, and payment is accepted via Paypal at least 48 hours before the lesson. Rates: Private (one person) $50/hr.… Continue reading Teaching Services