Teaching Services

Private Lessons: I am available for private knitting lessons!
Online: I use Zoom for online video lessons – so you can have a lesson in the privacy of your own home. Contact me to arrange a mutually-convenient time, and payment is accepted via Paypal at least 48 hours before the lesson.

Rates: Private (one person) $50/hr. Minimum: 1 hr.
Semi-Private (2-5 people) $25/hr per person. Minimum: 1 hr.

Teaching: Are you a guild or group that wants to hire a knitting teacher? I am willing to travel all over the US! Contact me for my course catalog and my teaching contract and rates – my rates are very reasonable and I will do my best to reach terms that are mutually beneficial. (I am very comfortable teaching online as well, I am open to virtual classes!)

In addition to my teaching fee, I ask for mileage (at standard IRS rate) or airfare reimbursement (or booking by client) if I have to travel, as well as other transportation fees reimbursement (airport parking fee, bag check fees, taxi services, etc.) I also ask for a per diem for meals (if meals aren’t included). A single-occupancy room is required when overnight stays are needed. Contact me for more information.

Current Teaching Availability: