So this last week was a sucky computer week for DH (and me too, by extension!!) First our power supply on the web server went dead, so hubby had to order a new one – which meant that our website was down for a good week (which isn’t really *that* bug of a deal, since nobody but us goes there anyway!!! LOL!) But, our mail is hosted on that server too, so hubby had to move the mail over temporarily to another computer while we were waiting, cause we can’t go without our mail!!!!! Anyway, so the new power supply gets here and…….. The hard drive crashes on that server. ALL of DH’s webfiles are on there. Are there any back-ups? NO! Crazy DH had no back-ups!!! It all worked out in the end, though – the drive wasn’t really dead, DH was able to recover it after some fiddling around.
Was that all? Of course not!! Then, a couple of nights ago our router goes ka-plooey! No network! No mail!! No internet!! Ahhh!! DH had to run out to Best Buy to buy a new router (it happened at 8pm, and Best Buy closed at 9pm, talk about under the wire!) So, keep your fingers crossed that that is the end of our computer woes. If anything else goes wrong I’m going to be convinced that the universe is against us this year! LOL!

Today I went to my first Charlotte Purls get-together. I really enjoyed it – they are all such nice ladies! I can’t wait for the next one! It’s nice having people to knit with :-). The Mommies group I’m in is kind of getting a little knitting circle started – I’m hosting our fourth get-together at my house this Tuesday night. I get to show off my spinning wheel :-).
Speaking of spinning, here’s my first yarn spin on Brygitta:
I’m keeping a close eye on the South Carolina primaries tonight. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Obama!!! I’m “Fired Up!” and “Ready to Go!” and I hope SC is too!!!
We’ll see…..
I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed your CP visit today, we enjoyed having you. >>I loved the tunic you are working on for your mom! I am sure she will be thrilled!>>Socks and you spin too! You are multi-talented woman!
I LURVE those socks!!!>>So glad you found CP! I look forward to knitting with you soon!>>LOL @ Fired Up & Ready to Go!! :oD>>Did you see him when he was in Rock Hill or Columbia??>>I did!!>
No, I’ve never seen him in person! I would looovvvveee to see him in person!!!!! His speech tonight was awesome – I was crying!! LOL!>>That’s so neat that you saw him in Rock Hill – I’m envious!!
Love the socks and I love the yarn you spun. How I long for a wheel! 🙂
Hi Heather – Spoke briefly to you during our Purls Meeting. Your work is exquisite and your mom is sure to love her tunic. It was nice meeting you – See you on the next meeting.