Now that I finished my Laminaria, I can get back to my Maple Wing.Â

I’m on the final repeat of ‘Chart C’ (10 rows done of the 24 rows) and all that will remain will be the 28 row ‘Chart D’ and the neck edging. But….
I’m going to run out of yarn. Yep. I think I’ll need less than 1/3 of another skein to finish. Ugh!! And I only have myself to blame, because when I ordered the second skein to begin this shawl I made the decision to knit the tall size instead of the petite. And at the time I questioned myself as to whether I’d have enough yarn to pull it off. Well, I didn’t answer myself correctly, apparently. If it was a top-down shawl I could easily fudge and just bind off before I ran out – I’d just end up with a slightly shorter shawl than intended, but because this is a bottom-up shawl I can’t do that without it looking a bit funny. Sooooo, I’ve ordered another skein of the wonderful Schaefer Audrey and hopefully it will get here right quick! It’s a good thing I love this yarn, and it should be a pretty easy thing to find another pattern for using up my 3/4-2/3 skein that I’ll have left when I’m done, so all will not be lost.
Moral of the story – ALWAYS buy lots more yarn than you think you’ll need. Which you think I would know by now, but evidently it’s a lesson this knitter forgets every once in a while.
Happy Knitting! Keep your fingers crossed that my new skein arrives soon! 🙂
Going to be SO AHMAZING!