WiP Posts

WiP Wednesday

I’m coming along on my Adventurous Wrap KAL now that I have some time to work on it!

One triangle is done and the second one is started:

I did some extra rows on the first triangle (the non-symmetry of the pattern really bothered me – I needed two one-row stripes of the contrast color at the end, not the one called for in the pattern). And I worked two rows of white, followed by another knit row (with no increases) to the middle, then binding off  the second half of the stitches (using suspended BO so it’s plenty stretchy). I have a plan for the edge, which is why I did a basic BO instead of something fancier. You’ll see my plan later. ::wink::

I am going to work 2 rows of white at the end on the second triangle, and do a garter graft instead of a three needle bind off. That way it will work out to be the 6 total rows of white (3 rows on triangle 1, 2 rows on triangle 2, and one row graft.) I’ll show you that as well when I get to that point.

In other news, my Workshop with the Charlotte Knitting Guild went very well this last weekend. My students seemed to enjoy themselves and learn some things, so that’s always a good thing. 🙂 I do so love teaching knitters! With that in mind, I’m working on developing some new classes. Feel free to let me know some topics you would be interested in as a class – I’d love to hear your ideas! If you have a fiber event in your neck of the woods that you would like to see me at, let the organizers know about me. 😉 (And I’m always open to private/group classes, just contact me to make arrangements!)

That’s it from me for now! I have some classes that need prepping, and a few design calls that I’m hoping to submit to – if I can just get inspired enough to come up with some good designs…

Until next time, Happy Knitting!

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