Friday Finishing Series, Techniques

Seaming Series: Finishing Mattress Stitch


If you recall, I did a whole series of videos on seaming a couple of years ago – and one of my videos showed how to finish off the end of mattress stitch. Well, that method is only really applicable if no further seaming will be happening on that edge. (And isn’t really an appropriate method to finish off swatches for the Master Hand Knitter program.)

Today, I’m going to show you a better method for finishing off those seams where further seaming will be happening. It’s kind of like a figure 8 for the bind off edge.

Here is a video showing you that method:

Use this method anytime you will be doing some more seaming along that edge – this lines up the BO edges nicely, but doesn’t interfere in further seaming. I hope you find this helpful!

Until next time, Happy Knitting!


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