Well, the same shawl is on the needles, but another shawl has joined the WiP lineup in the last week:
I pulled this Laminaria out of hibernation because I think it will look smashing with my semi-formal evening gown for my upcoming trip to Disney World. My husband’s company awarded him their MVP award and they’re sending us (and all the other winners) to Disney for 3 days and throwing a couple of parties – so we’re gonna need to dress up and look snazzy. My gown is black, and I think the blue silk will look fantastic with it – so I need to finish the shawl pronto!
But I’m still working on my Maple Wing as well – I’m loving it so much I just can’t put it down for long:
This sucker is going to be huge when it’s all done and blocked!
Anyway – that’s what I’m working on this week – in addition to the Master Knitter stuff, of course.
Happy Knitting everyone!
They’re both going to be exquisite!