I’m past the waist decreases, and almost done with the waist increases! And about to start the v-neck shaping, too!

Knit Night was last night, and I didn’t get much knitting done – it’s hard to participate in conversation and knit complicated fair isle at the same time. I only got about a couple of rows done while at knit night, but was able to get about 8 more rows done later while watching the ladies gymnastics (yay Gabby!!)

I’ve let the boys have a light school day today, and I watched episodes of Upstairs, Downstairs while knitting for a good bit – so I’m hoping to make up for my slow progress yesterday. And I have a wine tasting party to go to tomorrow night, so I’ll have to try to make up for that as well! (Mmmm, wine….)
It’s taking shape – maybe I’ll be able to make the finish line after all…
Happy Knitting! And I can’t wait to watch track and field events tonight! Go Team USA!