Sorry it’s been so long since I posted last – it’s been busy, busy, busy here! And the loss of my kitty threw me for a loop for a little while there, but I’m doing much better now. 🙂
I did finish a shawl a week or two ago, but I can’t show it to you yet, since it’s to be a gift. You’ll just have to wait to see it. 🙂 I did a wingspan, and it turned out lovely, I think.
Since the wingspan was my ‘mindless’ knitting, I needed to start a new mindless project, so I dug out my ball of Zauberball and started a Katy Jubilee shawl. This pattern was free on Ravelry a week or two ago, and I snatched it up.
It’s an interesting shape – an asymmetrical triangle with a deep knitted on lace edging. I’m not sure that I like how the neck edge is turning out – the stitches need to stretch a bit more than they are able to, but hopefully blocking will ease the yarn out a bit there.

I’ve got a sock design on the needles as well – these have been going slowly, though. I usually dig out the shawl for knit nights and if I’m at home I work on my hat, so the socks aren’t getting any attention lately!
I hit a bit of a bump with my Master Knitter level 3 hat – I’m at the crown decreases (finally!) and I looked at it and realized that one of the cable crosses should really be reversed for the design to look right – and that spot was 8 rows back after multiple cable crosses and decreases! So no dropping down in those 6 spots to reverse the cables – I had to do a full on rip back. 🙁 I put the hat in time out for a day or two – I was just so frustrated with it. I picked it back up last night to rip it back and fix the issue and I’m now close to where I was before the incident – hopefully I’ll get a good amount of time to work on it today and can maybe have it finished once and for all in the next day or two.

I really hope this blocks out how I want it to – I’m going for a slouchy hat style – but right now it looks like a chef’s hat. :-/ The ribbing cable as well as the reverse stockinette should help it block out a bit wider in the body of the hat area, at least that’s what I keep telling myself.
That’s what I have on my needles now – just those three things! I’m really chomping at the bit to start designing my Master Knitter level 3 sweater, so hopefully I can get the hat done soon so I can move on!
Check out other WiPs over at Tami’s Amis!
And Happy Knitting!
Your Wingspan did turn out absolutely stunning! The recipient is going to adore it, no doubt! Your hat is going to turn out perfect too!
🙂 Thanks, B!
Wow those cables and bobbles look amazing!
🙂 Thank you!
Love that cream yarn. Beautiful stitch pattern on your hat. Hope it wears the way you want it to.
Thank you! The yarn is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes in colorway ‘Cloud’. I’ve been using it for most of my swatches, too, and like how it blocks and shows stitch definition so decided to use it for my hat as well!
Hi did you have any trouble on the katyjubilee on row 19 between the right hand repeat and the center stitch? Thos 7 stitches have me stumped. I think you only need 6 so don’t know what to do with the extra. Thanks for reading.
Sorry, just saw your question! I don’t really remember – I may have – I know I had a few little issues like that here and there, but I thought it was just me making a mistake, so I fudged in those spots by doing an extra decrease or making an increase to get the stitch count to where it needed to be.