Designing, Teaching, WiP Posts

WiP Wednesday 3/14/18

Happy Wednesday everyone, and Happy Pi Day! I hope everyone in the Northeast is staying warm – yikes, what an almost-spring we are having this year!

I finished up my socks for the upcoming issue of Cast On and got those sent off, yay! Now I’m whipping up another pair, this time to self publish. I love having socks on the needles, and decided I didn’t want just plain socks on my needles this time, so I came up with a new design and I’m writing the pattern for them as I work them up. I’m using some yummy Copper Corgi sock yarn I got about a year ago or so for these. They are turning out really soft and squishy! Stay tuned in the next couple months for the pattern for these…

I was on the Cheers to Ewe show yesterday morning, did you catch me? If not, you can watch the episode on the Cheers to Ewe YouTube channel here. I had a lot of fun being on the show! 🙂

I have LOTS of new classes on the schedule at Cheers to Ewe, too! You can see the whole shop class schedule here, or you can see just my schedule with my nifty new calendar over to the right! Another offering of the Learn to Fix your Knitting Mistakes class is out there, as well as socks, and Needle Tatting and Beaded purses and all kinds of neat stuff! If you’re in the area you should definitely check it out!

If you’re not in the area, well – I do travel!! Maybe you’ll be able to catch me near you sometime soon. 🙂 I’ll be at the Dallas Fort Worth Fiber Festival in just a couple of weeks now (eek! My first teaching appearance where I’ve flown to the venue!) I’ll be a volunteer teacher during Masters Day on Thursday, and then I’m taking a couple of classes with Stephanie Pearl-McPhee and Franklin Habit. I am beyond excited! I hear lots of wonderful things about the DFWFF – so I’m really pumped to be going to it this year! I’ll be sure to blog during the event to keep you all up to date.

Then later in April I am teaching at Unwind Getaway in Blowing Rock – my second year teaching there, and I am really looking forward to that – it was so much fun last year!

Anyhoo, that’s it from me for today! Until next time, Happy Knitting! (And be sure to have some pie today!)



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