Last week I showed you right-leaning single decreases. This week I'll show you left-leaning single decreases! These are typically harder to look sized the same as the right-leaning decreases, since the stitches get manipulated a bit more and stretched. It helps to work these on the very tips of your needles, and to manipulate the… Continue reading Left-Leaning Decreases
Author: Heather Storta
Right-Leaning Decreases
This month I'm going to cover various decreases and increases in knitting! We'll start with the easiest of these, the right-leaning single decreases. These are the knit two together (k2tog) and the purl 2 together (p2tog). You simply knit (or purl) the next two stitches together as one - easy peasy! These tend to look… Continue reading Right-Leaning Decreases
How to Work Yarnovers
Yarnovers are an essential stitch in knitting- in lace knitting especially. Yarnovers are made slightly differently depending on the surrounding stitches. And there are at least two ways to make each type of yarnover. Here is a video showing two methods for each combination of stitches - the "standard" method where the right leg of… Continue reading How to Work Yarnovers
Picking Up stitches along a Garter Edge
This week I have a video on picking up stitches along a garter selvedge. There are a few different ways to do this - two spots on the selvedge stitch itself, and then the "normal" spot for mattress seams between the selvedge and the next stitch. I much prefer the first of these - picking… Continue reading Picking Up stitches along a Garter Edge
Picking Up and Purling
Last week I showed you picking up and knitting. This week I'll show you picking up and purling! It's very similar, only it happens when the wrong side of the fabric needs to be facing you for whatever reason. I hope this was helpful!! Next week I'll be showing you how to pick up stitches… Continue reading Picking Up and Purling
Picking Up and Knitting
I have a video on picking up stitches for a neckline that has been out there for a while, but I thought I'd focus on just the act of "picking up and knitting" this time around. Here's a video showing you how that is done: Many knitters think that "picking up and knitting" means to… Continue reading Picking Up and Knitting
Sock Heels Comparison
For the issue of Cast On magazine that came out several months ago, I filmed a video to go along with my article on sock heels. Here's the video for you! I hope you find this informative! I cover lots of different types of heels. For more in-depth info, be sure to check out the… Continue reading Sock Heels Comparison
Migrating Website
Hello all! I'm working on migrating my website this week -- when all is said and done it shouldn't be a very noticeable change, but I need to turn off all commenting and etc. while I'm getting things moved. Stay tuned for an update when it is complete!! Thank you for being here, and until… Continue reading Migrating Website
Repairing a Snag in your knitting
Here's a video on how to repair a snag in your knitting! As long as the yarn has not broken or been cut, this should work. Hopefully this is helpful!! Until next time, Happy Knitting!!
Fixing a Dropped Stitch in Garter
Last week I showed you how to pick up a dropped stitch in stockinette. In garter, though, there's a bit of a trick to it. Garter needs the stitch to be knit from the front, then knit from the back (since that's what garter is!) Which means you either have to remove the crochet hook… Continue reading Fixing a Dropped Stitch in Garter