Master Knitter Posts, Teaching

I’m a certified Tech Editor!

I finished the TKGA Tech Editor certification course – I am now a certified Tech Editor! Pop over to my Services page if you are interested in hiring me as a Tech Editor for your next pattern or patterns! 🙂 The course was fantastic, and Sharon (the instructor) is a wonderful mentor, so it is well worth the time and money – and holds up to the high TKGA standards one expects.

I forgot to tell you last time – I had a pattern in the August K2Tog Newsletter from the TKGA, Neon Plain Socks. These are simple cuff-down socks with a heel-flap heel – the heel flap has a twist on the usual eye-of-partridge pattern. Check out last month’s newsletter if you’re interested! Not a member of the TKGA?  Why ever not??  There are lots of benefits to being a member, including the K2Tog newsletter and Cast On issues and discounts on correspondence courses. You really should join. 🙂

I think I’ve decided to steek and work a gusset in the arm-holes of my sweater that I posted last time. I just haven’t had the time to work on it yet but when I do it I will fully document what I do and walk you through it!

I’m hard at work on a couple of patterns – one is a sweater/tee and one is a pair of socks. You’ll see the sweater next Spring, and you’ll see the socks in a couple of months. 🙂 There are also a couple of submission calls out that are right up my alley, so I’m working on submissions for those as well…. I’m a busy gal!

Next week is the Georgia Fiber Festival, and I’m teaching there! It should be a lot of fun, so hopefully I’ll see some of you there! I’ll do a post afterwards (and maybe one or two during it as well!) so that if you can’t join me there you can see how much fun we had! 🙂

Oh – and I have a new logo thanks to my mother!  (Thanks Mom!) How do you like it? It think it’s world’s better than my previous one, and I’m slowly rolling it out to all the places where my logo shows up…

Until next time, Happy Knitting!!




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