I only have one swatch to show you today:
This is swatch #9 – short rows with a kitchener seam. I used the Japanese method of short rows for this one (for swatch #8 I used my usual wrap and turn method). It’s a bit more fiddly, but makes for a neater stockinette side when you’re done, I think.
Although my swatch seems a bit bumpy in spots so I may try to re-block it, we’ll see.
I spent most of my master knitter time this weekend getting all of my swatch info sheets written up. I was bad and didn’t write my sheets as I knit each swatch. (oops!!) I had kept notes, though, so it wasn’t too difficult to write them up. The research for my references for each technique took quite a bit of time, though. I also answered all the questions relating to the first 9 swatches, so all the knitting AND written work for the first 9 swatches is done!
Which means the first three sections of swatches (all the swatches dealing with seams) are done and I can move on to the fourth section of swatches – which deal with special types of decreases. Since I only have to knit ONE swatch for each swatch (instead of two and then seam them) it should go a bit faster… I hope.
Happy Knitting everyone!!
You are /amazing/! Keep it going!