Master Knitter Posts

Master Knitter Monday: Issue #9 – Part Deux

I know it's Tuesday.  I just didn't think Master Knitter Tuesday sounded very good.  Besides, this is just a continuation of yesterday's post.  🙂 I knitted my swatch and blocked it yesterday.  Yes, I even block my swatches when necessary.  I avoid swatching (and blocking swatches, for that matter) as much as possible, but sometimes it can't be avoided.  This… Continue reading Master Knitter Monday: Issue #9 – Part Deux

Random Stuff

One of my favorite after-ham recipes

I look forward to holiday cooking almost as much for the leftover meals as for the day's feast.  My go-to recipe for any leftover ham is macaroni and cheese (with ham, of course!).   Yum.  I've taken the basic recipe in the Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook and tweaked it some.  It's one of those meals… Continue reading One of my favorite after-ham recipes