Master Knitter Posts

Master Knitter Monday

I'm starting something I'm calling Master Knitter Monday today! I'll share tidbits about my MHK journey, knitting tips and tricks, info about what makes a Master Knitter, and more! What is a Master Hand Knitter? A Master Knitter is someone who has completed all three levels of the TKGA Master Hand Knitter certification program. (BTW,… Continue reading Master Knitter Monday

Designing, Patterns Released, Techniques

Chinese Waitress Cast On (again)

I have a new set of videos taking a look (again) at the Chinese Waitress Cast On. I realized that my favorite way to make this cast on, with a crochet hook (my prior video showing this technique) was actually producing a twisted first line of chain stitches, and I was determined to figure out… Continue reading Chinese Waitress Cast On (again)