Master Knitter Posts

Check-In from TKGA

Yesterday I spent all day at the 'On Your Way to the Masters' Day at the TKGA conference in Greensboro, NC.  In the morning we had several general sessions with committee members and co-chairs of the Master Knitter program - where they shared information applicable to all knitters working through the Master Knitter program, no matter what level you're… Continue reading Check-In from TKGA

Master Knitter Posts

‘Almost’ Master Knitter Musings

Over on the Charlotte Knitting Guild site, I've started a monthly column entitled 'Almost Master Knitter Musings'.  I'll be posting about my Master Knitter experience, as well as sharing tips and techniques that I'm learning (or have learned) while working through the program. Go check my posts out if you'd like!  (And if you're in or near Charlotte, then… Continue reading ‘Almost’ Master Knitter Musings