Master Knitter Posts

Master Knitter Monday #16: TKGA Wrap-Up

I'm back from an amazing 5 days at the TKGA conference in Greensboro, NC.  The whole experience was phenomenal.  I took a good number of classes, and went to several events, and also met so many wonderful people and had such great conversations! The 'On Your Way to the Masters' day on Wednesday was fantastic. … Continue reading Master Knitter Monday #16: TKGA Wrap-Up

Master Knitter Posts

Check-In from TKGA

Yesterday I spent all day at the 'On Your Way to the Masters' Day at the TKGA conference in Greensboro, NC.  In the morning we had several general sessions with committee members and co-chairs of the Master Knitter program - where they shared information applicable to all knitters working through the Master Knitter program, no matter what level you're… Continue reading Check-In from TKGA

FO Posts

Camp Loopy Shawl

Here is my finished shawl! Pattern: EZ 100th Anniversary Camping Half Circle Shawl Yarn: Sanguine Gryphon Bugga! in Dog Days Cicada (2 skeins) Needles: US 8 Started: August 15, 2011 Finished: August 30, 2011 Modifications:  I changed the first lace section from the cat's paw lace to 'Ladybug Lace' found in Knitted Lace of Estonia, page 138. Also,… Continue reading Camp Loopy Shawl