Master Knitter Posts

Master Knitter Monday: Issue #4

I have two 'almost' swatches to show you today. 'Almost' because the swatches are knit up, but they're not seamed yet. Here's my new Swatch #2 - a reverse Stockinette swatch.  The rowing out is better, I think, although the camera is picking some up that I can't really see in person.  Weird.  I think it will… Continue reading Master Knitter Monday: Issue #4

Random Stuff

Stash Expose: Part 1

It's not unusual for a knitter to accumulate stash.  A knitter's stash is his/her yarn, you see.  And knitters like yarn. A lot.  Some knitters reach SABLE - Stash Acquision Beyond Life Expectancy.  Which is pretty self-explanatory - there is no way the knitter will be able to knit all that yarn before he/she kicks the bucket.  Which is great for his/her… Continue reading Stash Expose: Part 1